Bringing Couples Together

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Our dating site and match-making service for those who want to create a long-term, committed partnership with someone of pureblood.

There is nothing more important in the world that two people who are so in love that the light from that love beams out around them for miles and miles. Most people are totally unaware of how important that energy is in the battle between good and evil. This is why, many years ago, the first places that got infiltrated and disrupted were good churches that we producing happy couples who went on to create loving families.

You see, when a couple is in love and when there is happiness in the home, their home is energetically like a Lighthouse. The light from that loving sphere reaches out and touches the light of the couple or families who might be a mile either side of them in all directions. Thus, a grid is formed over the area. A grid of light that provides protection from evil.

If the only thing that you ever do in life is have a loving, committed, wondrously happy relationship that creates stable, sane, happy children, then you have done more than you will ever know to heal this planet and those around you.

So if you know of anyone who is not covid jabbed who might like to join our dating site, please share this link with them please –